Full Name
Reena Agarwal
Job Title
Chief Operating Officer
Center for Active Design
Speaker Bio
Reena Agarwal is a co-founder and COO at the Center for Active Design (CfAD), where she conceptualizes and directs initiatives that foster healthy and engagement communities. The Center for Active Design is the operator for Fitwel, a healthy building certification system that positively impacts occupant health through an integrated approach to design and operations. Prior to launching CfAD, Reena was a director of sustainability at the New York City Department of Design and Construction where she focused on regulatory and legislative efforts that promoted environmental sustainability and health in building design. Reena holds a Master of Urban Planning from New York University, a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Michigan and has over a decade of experience working as both an architect and planner, specializing in zoning and building code compliance. Her past projects involve the design and master planning of residential, commercial and university buildings in New York City. Reena is a member of the American Institute of Architects.
Reena Agarwal